न्यूट्रिशन डेफिशिएंसी क्या है और इसका उपाय,What is nutrition deficiency and its solution?

What is nutrition deficiency and its solution?

What is nutrition deficiency and its solution?  What is nutrition deficiency and its solution? न्यूट्रिशन डेफिशिएंसी, या पोषण की कमी, एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर को आवश्यक पोषक तत्व नहीं मिल पाते हैं। यह विभिन्न कारणों से हो सकती है जैसे कि असंतुलित आहार, खराब पाचन, शरीर की बढ़ी हुई पोषण कि आवश्यकताएं, या … Read more

Benefits of eating sugar candy with threads and its effects

Benefits of eating sugar candy with threads and its effects Benefits of eating sugar candy with threads and its effects धागे वाली मिश्री, जिसे रॉक शुगर या कैंडी शुगर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा में अपने विभिन्न स्वास्थ्य लाभों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह न केवल एक मीठा स्वाद देने वाला … Read more

गर्मियों में भुना हुआ चना खाने के10 फायदे ,10 Benefits of eating roasted gram in summer

10Benefits of eating roasted gram in summer

Benefits of eating roasted gram in summer 10 Benefits of eating roasted gram in summer हेलो फ्रेंड्स इसी प्रोटीन गाइड में आप सभी का स्वागतहैु आज की इसपोस्ट में हम भुनेहुए चनोके 10 बड़े फायदो के बारे में बात करेंगे चना जिसे कई लोग ‘चना भुजा’ के नाम से भी जानते हैं, एक लोकप्रिय भारतीय … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homemade and Packaging Protein Powder

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homemade and Packaging Protein Powder Advantages and Disadvantages of Homemade and Packaging Protein Powder   Both homemade protein powder and packaged protein powder have advantages and disadvantages. Here are both explained in detail: Homemade Protein Powder: Advantages: 1.Healthy Ingredients: One of the biggest advantages of homemade protein powder is that you … Read more

Benefits of protein rich watermelon seeds

Benefits of protein rich watermelon seeds

Benefits of protein rich watermelon seeds  Benefits of protein rich watermelon seeds Watermelon seeds often go unnoticed by us, but these little seeds are powerhouses of nutrition, especially when it comes to protein. Watermelon seeds contain abundant amounts of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, which are extremely beneficial for our health. Let us … Read more

This dal has more protein than eggs and milk

This dal has more protein than eggs and milk This dal has more protein than eggs and milk Cowpea dal is a nutritious and healthy food that is widely used in Indian cuisine. It has many nutritional benefits and is rich in various essential nutrients. *Cowpea dal has high protein content. About 24 grams of … Read more

10 big benefits of drinking fennel water

10 big benefits of drinking fennel water           10 big benefits of drinking fennel water Hello friends, in today’s block post we will talk about shop. Fennel is commonly used as a mouth freshener. Let us tell you that apart from fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, properties … Read more

properties and benefits of cardamom

 properties and benefits of cardamom Cardamom, is a spice that belongs to the ginger family. It is also called the “Queen of Spices” and has been used in Indian kitchens for centuries. Cardamom is used not only to enhance taste but also for its medicinal properties. a.Property of cardamom Cardamom seeds are small in shape, … Read more

Vitamins of black berries and its benefits

Vitamins of black berries and its benefits Black Jamun, also known as Indian blackberry or Java plum, is a nutritious and healthy fruit. Its scientific name is Syzygium cumini. Black berries contain various vitamins and minerals which are extremely beneficial for health. .Vitamins and Minerals 1.Vitamin C: Black Berries Good of Vitamin CSource, which is … Read more

Benefits of eating walnuts, its vitamins and minerals

Benefits of eating walnuts, its vitamins and minerals

Benefits of eating walnuts, its vitamins and minerals Benefits of eating walnuts, its vitamins and minerals Vitamins and minerals found in walnuts Walnut is considered a superfood and various types of vitamins and minerals are found in it, which are extremely beneficial for health. Vitamin: 1.Vitamin E: An important antioxidant, which fights free radicals in … Read more