This dal has more protein than eggs and milk

This dal has more protein than eggs and milk

This dal has more protein than eggs and milk

This dal has more protein than eggs and milk

Cowpea dal is a nutritious and healthy food that is widely used in Indian cuisine. It has many nutritional benefits and is rich in various essential nutrients.

*Cowpea dal has high protein content. About 24 grams of protein is found in 100 grams of dry cowpea dal.This is especially important for people who are vegetarian or reduce meat intake in their diet. Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles, producing enzymes and hormones, and overall body function.

Vitamins found in 100 grams of cowpea

The amount of major vitamins found in 100grams of dry cowpea dal is as follows: Vitamin A: Negligible Vitamin C: about 1.5 mg Vitamin E: about 0.1 mg Vitamin K: Negligible Thiamine (vitamin B1): about 0.2 mg Riboflavin (vitamin B2): about 0.1 mg Niacin (vitamin B3): about 0.5 mg Vitamin B6: about 0.15 mg Folate (vitamin B9): about 356 micrograms Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): about 0.5 mg

Benefits of Lobia Dal

1.Source of Protein: As mentioned earlier, cowpea dal is an excellent source of protein, making it a very good source of protein for vegetarians.By using this source, vegetarian people can fulfill the needs of many vitamins as well as proteins.

Read more:Homemade Protein Rich Diet

2.High amount of fiber: High amount of dietary fiber is found in cowpea dal. It helps in improving digestive health and removes problems like constipation. Fiber-rich foods are also beneficial for heart health as they help control cholesterol levels.We do.

3. Source of Iron: Cowpea dal is a good source of iron, which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. This is especially important for women and those who suffer from iron deficiency (anemia).

4.Low Glycemic Index: Cowpea dal has a low glycemic index, which means it raises blood sugar levels slowly. This is a for diabetic patientsAn excellent choice as it does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar.

5.Rich in Antioxidants: Lobia dal contains a variety of antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. Consumption of antioxidants reduces oxidative stress in the body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and other serious diseases.

6.Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin B in Cowpea DalImportant minerals like iron (such as folate), magnesium, potassium, and zinc are found in it. These vitamins and minerals are essential for various bodily functions, such as energy production, nervous system function, and immune system support.

Read more:Benefits and nutrients of flax seeds

7.Weight Management: Lobia dal is helpful in weight management due to its low calorie and high fiber content. It keeps you satiated for longer and reduces the desire to eat more.Reduces weight, which helps in controlling weight.

8.Heart Health: The fiber, potassium, and antioxidants present in cowpea dal support heart health. Regular consumption helps control high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

9. Bone strength: Magnesium and calcium present in it are important for the strength of bones. TheseMinerals aid in the formation and maintenance of bones.

10.Beneficial for skin and hair: Due to the high amount of protein and vitamins in cowpea dal, it is also beneficial for the health of skin and hair. Protein makes hair stronger and thicker, while antioxidants and vitamins make skin glowing and healthy.

conclusion Cowpea dal is a nutrition rich food item which should be included in your diet.Getting involved can have many benefits for your health. It is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and can help reduce various health problems. Its regular consumption can provide you a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


1.Can we eat Lobia daily?

We can include cowpea dal rich in vitamins in our diet daily so that we can get its benefits and due to the good amount of protein, we can also fulfill our protein requirement.

2.How much cowpea should be eaten per day?

Just 1/2 cup of this dal contains 8 percent of our daily calcium requirement. If we consume it daily then bones become strong.And the problem of pain or weakness in joints goes away. Some other benefits of this lentil are that it can also help in weight loss, which many people are not aware of.

3.Which vitamin is found in cowpea?

Iron, calcium and vitamin A are found in abundance in cowpea dal, which are very beneficial for our health.

4.What are the benefits of eating cowpea?

By eating cowpea pulses we getRich amount of protein is available which is very good for our health, hair, skin, brain, heart.

5.How much protein is there in cowpea dal? Up to 24 grams of protein is found in 100 grams of cowpea dal, which is very good for our health.


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