properties and benefits of cardamom

 properties and benefits of cardamom

Properties, properties and benefits of cardamom

Cardamom, is a spice that belongs to the ginger family. It is also called the “Queen of Spices” and has been used in Indian kitchens for centuries. Cardamom is used not only to enhance taste but also for its medicinal properties.

a.Property of cardamom

Cardamom seeds are small in shape, triangular and green in color. Its taste is sweet and fragrantIs. Cardamom is commonly divided into two types: green cardamom and black cardamom.

1.Green Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum):

It is mainly used in sweets, tea, and various dishes. Its aromatic nature makes it suitable for sweet dishes.

2.Black cardamom:

Its taste is pungent and strong. It is mainly used in rich and spicy dishes.



The aroma of cardamom is strong and refreshing, which makes any dish aromatic.

2. Aids in digestion:

It activates the digestive system and helps in curing various stomach disorders.

3.Antioxidant Properties:

Many antioxidants are found in cardamom which protect the body cells from damage.

4.Antimicrobial Properties:

The oil present in cardamom is effective against bacteria and fungus.Are there.

c.Benefits of cardamom

1.Beneficial for the digestive system: Consumption of cardamom provides relief from problems like indigestion, gas, and indigestion. It helps in increasing appetite and reducing stomach bloating.

2.Oral Health: Consuming cardamom removes bad breath. It is helpful in preventing gingivitis and other oral infections.

3.Heart Health: Regular consumption of cardamom helps in controlling blood pressureDoes. It is considered beneficial for the heart because it contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium which are important for heart health.

4.Diabetes Control: Consumption of cardamom can be helpful in controlling the sugar level in the blood. It helps in increasing insulin sensitivity

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5.Respiratory Health: Consumption of cardamom provides relief from problems like cough, cold and asthma. this respirationHelps in relaxing the system.

6.Diuretic properties: Cardamom has diuretic properties, which help in flushing out toxins from the body. It is helpful in improving kidney function.

7..Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Properties: The elements present in cardamom can help protect against serious diseases like inflammation and cancer. 8.Relief in stress and depression: Consumption of cardamom helps in reducing mental stress and depression.Helps in reducing. Its aroma calms and refreshes the brain.

d.Methods of use and consumption

1.Tea: Consumption of cardamom tea improves digestion and provides mental freshness.

2.Sweets and Dishes: Cardamom is used in various sweets and dishes to enhance the taste.

3.Cardamom Oil: This oil is used in aromatherapy and for massage.


Cardamom is a very valuableThere is spice which not only enhances the taste of our food but also provides many health benefits. Its regular consumption improves digestive, cardiovascular, oral, respiratory and mental health. It can be used as a traditional medicine, promoting our overall health.


1.What are the benefits of eating cardamom for men?

Cardamom: Consumption of cardamom is considered very effective for men. , What is there in cardamom? Infertility problem.Get rid of premature ejaculation.Relief from constipation.Sleep problem.Lose weight. Stay connected to read more lifestyle news

2.How much cardamom should one eat in a day?

This can cause problems like liver problems, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting after surgery, dry mouth and sore throat. Therefore, one should not eat more than one teaspoon cardamom seeds or 2 or 3 cardamoms in a day. When and how beneficial – Clove is a good spice, consumption of 2-3 cloves daily is good for health.

3.What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating cardamom?

Benefits of eating cardamom- Antioxidants are found in abundance in cardamom, which helps in strengthening the muscles, but for your information, let us tell you that if you eat too much cardamom, it can cause heat in the stomach. This can also cause stomach upset. Eating cardamom can provide relief from many types of problems.

4.What is the benefit of eating cardamom before sleeping at night?

The antioxidant present in it is effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Cardamom extract is also beneficial in increasing urination. When you consume small cardamom before sleeping at night, the problem of insomnia can go away. People who do not sleep at night can consume it daily for a few days.

5.In which disease is small cardamom useful?

Small green cardamom is known for its digestive properties. It can help in providing relief from indigestion, bloating, gas and other stomach related problems. It activates the enzymes present in the stomach which helps in digestion.

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